Next event

29 September, 2022
Time: from 14:00 to 15:00

The app will be closed from October 3. Data analysis begins.

After these last tests and almost 700,000 data collected, we conclude today the first #GenigmaChallenge dedicated to breast cancer. Now it is time for the scientific teams to analyse the results of GENIGMA in depth, before launching a new challenge to the public. The CNAG and the CRG would like to thank all the people […]

17 June, 2022
Time: from 10:00 to 17:00

The #GenigmaChallenge is over! The #GenigmaEureka begins

The app is still active! While the research team is analysing the data, you will be able to play with genome fragments from the identified Eureka zones and, in this way, help to test whether it is possible to advance the analysis of the ordering of these fragments at a higher level of resolution. You […]

27 January, 2022
Time: from 12:00 to

The #GenigmaChallenge is on!

Follow all the news of Genigma on the official website: and social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

5 July, 2021
Time: from 01:00 to 01:00

Last test with the participants of the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge cancelled for Covid-19

Unfortunately, due to several Covid-19 positives among the participants of the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge Programme of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, the test scheduled for July 2021 with 132 students aged 16 to 18 could not be carried out. The team is looking for alternatives for the last Genigma test before the launch […]

1 April, 2021
Time: from 08:00 to 18:00

Collaboration with students from secondary school

During April, May and June 2021 we will be collaborating with secondary schools in Spain and Italy to test the game and to think about the communication strategy towards young people. If you are interested in collaborating with the project with your students, contact us!

29 October, 2020
Time: from 12:00 to 12:00

Help us to test the game!

During November /Desembre 2020 and January/Febrary/March 2021 we will organize tests of the game. If you want to participate, send us an email and we will contact you for details. Thank you!

22 November, 2019
Time: from 10:30 to 12:00

Playtest with scientists

We are organizing a new event directed at scientists. Specifically, we are looking for people specialized in genomics, to contrast with them some aspects of the APP related to the scientific issues being analyzed. Do you have this profile? Contact us!  

5 October, 2019
Time: from 10:00 to 14:00

PRBB Open day. Come and test our prototype!

We are working on the APP and next October we will have something to show. Come to the PRBB Open Day and help testing our prototype!    

23 May, 2019
Time: from 18:00 to 21:00

Betatesting in the Creative Research Park

We start a new and exciting phase: to prepare a prototype of the game and starting test it. The Genigma team have been working with all the ideas, doubts and proposals emerged from the three cocreations to prepare the prototype of the game. If you want to know at what point we are and help […]

29 March, 2019
Time: from 16:30 to 20:30

New event: 3rd co-creation with gamers

For next co-creation event we will invite gamers! the event will take place on March 29, at the ENTI PRO campus of the School of New Interactive Technologies attached to the University of Barcelona (ENTI-UB). If you are a gamer and want to participate in this creative evening and collaborate with the GENIGMA project, do […]

9 March, 2019
Time: from 10:00 to 13:30

Second cocreation: we invite patients ans storytellers

We are co-design with citizens the app to discover genomic alterations in cancer cells. With this app we will build reference maps to understand the parts of the human genome that play a fundamental role in growth and development of cancer. Next event is organized to elaborate with citizens the main narrative for the app. […]

23 January, 2019
Time: from 10:00 to 14:00

First co-creation: we invite teachers, medical doctors, scientists and artists

We start the project with a co-creation event to work on narrative and communication. For this, we would like to invite scientists from other fields and institutions, science teachers in secondary schools , medical doctors, bioethics and artists. The aim is define a format and metaphor that can be useful to explain the objective of […]