
Results of 3rd cocreation

In the last co-creation of the project, dedicated to share with the gamers the proposal of Genigma, we have seen how the project enriched with the expert view of those who are dedicated to design, perform and play daily with games and videogames. With a dynamization performed by the Jocs to the Segon team, we […]

Results of 2nd cocreation

Many ideas and proposals on March 9th in the second session of co-creation of the project! We met with about 30 people, with very different profiles (patients, hospital personnel, storytelling experts), in the Sagrada Familia Library to talk about emotions, narratives and game elements. Many ideas related to personal and professional histories, were transformed into […]

1st co-creation of Genigma (January 2019)

When we first envisioned our first co-creation we never thought it would be like this. Our objective with the first co-creation was to translate the scientific, convoluted science behind Genigma. It was a challenge also for us. How could we compress such a message in a few minutes, translate it to images & concepts, distribute […]


Hi! In this blog we intend to keep a log of all the activities we carry on at Genigma. From co-creations to the results, or even pictures regarding the world of Genigma. Genigma is a game designed by citizens for citizens. So this is also yours. If you think you have an interesting topic you’d […]